The world is full of unsung heroes. People who go about quietly doing great things without fuss or fanfare.

I know we have awards to recognize unsung heroes, but they then become known heroes. Nothing wrong in recognizing these wonderful people, but there are so many more who deserve the same awards and recognition.

People who do what is termed the little things. Helping an elderly person carry some shopping. Bringing some food to someone in need. Mowing a neighbours lawn. Supplying a shoulder for support… so many little things are done on a daily basis.

All deserving of respect, if not awards.

The same principle applies to business. There are many unsung heroes in business. People who go under the radar, who actually make a difference. 


Good employees readily come to mind. Anyone who has run or operated a business with employees would, or dare I say should know this.

Take the cleaners in a business. The people responsible for presenting a business to the client. It is vital they do a good job… they are unsung heroes.

The person who turns up for work on time all the time – never complaining, just goes about doing their job. Another unsung hero.

The people who pack the product, or produce, without them, the business wouldn’t survive.

The mechanic who fixes the broken machinery. 

The butcher, the baker, the candle stick maker… you get the picture.

Unsung heroes – those who are vital, but often go unnoticed, and unrewarded.

There are usually two types of unsung heroes.


Those who are appreciated and recognized within, but not necessarily without, and those who unfortunately are not fully appreciated within or without.

It goes without saying, that business owners, and managers need to make certain that inhouse unsung heroes are appreciated, and rewarded.

A simple… well done.

So easy to convey, but often unsaid.

Another category is the unsung hero brought in to help a business improve. People who specialize in an area to help a business function better.

The contract maintenance person comes to mind. They turn up each week, month or some other designated time, carry out scheduled work, then go on their merry way.

Yet without them, things would quickly go pear shape.


In our business, Graphic Design, and Copywriting, it is probably the copywriter. Yet for us personally it is the people behind the Dimense Printing system that could fill that space.

They are not unsung heroes but much appreciated partners.

This is the point. 

Make sure your unsung heroes are not unsung heroes but appreciated, well rewarded partners. 

Employees may wear that label, but they are in fact business partners.

Without good trusted employee’s business struggles - with good trusted employees business blossoms.

Make sure you are aware of those unsung heroes… without them, business struggles.


Appreciate the unsung heroes!


Measure twice, cut once.